Cameron Seely

Cameron Seely is an actress who was born in United States in 17/02/2007 and is now 17 years old. Cameron Seely has a net worth of $500 Thousand.

What is Cameron Seely Net Worth?

Cameron Seely's net worth is US $500 Thousand.

How old is the celebrity?

Cameron Seely is 17 years old.

What is the person's date of birth?

Cameron Seely's birthday is 17/02/2007.

What is the person's zodiac sign?

This person's zodiac sign is Aquarius.

What is the real name of the celebrity?

This person's real name is Cameron Seely.

Where is the birthplace of the celebrity?

This person was born in United States.

How tall is the celebrity?

This person's height is 4'5'' (134.62 cm).

What is the nationality of the famous person?

The nationality of the famous person is .

What are the professions of this person?

Professions held by the person: Actress.

Who is his/her spouse or spouses?

Cameron Seely, born on February 17, 2007, is a 16-year-old American actress known for her notable roles in the film industry. She gained recognition for her portrayal of Helen Barnum in “The Greatest Showman” and voiced the character Cindy-Lou in the animated film “The Grinch” released in 2018. Seely’s talent has established her as a rising star in the entertainment world, showcasing her versatility in both live-action and animated productions.

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