Charlie Dixon

Charlie Dixon is an athlete who was born in Cairns, Queensland in 23/09/1990 and is now 34 years old. Charlie Dixon has a net worth of $2 Million.

What is Charlie Dixon Net Worth?

Charlie Dixon's net worth is US $2 Million.

Who is Charlie Dixon?

Charlie Dixon, born on September 23, 1990, is an Australian rules footballer who currently plays for the Port Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). He was recruited by the Gold Coast Football Club as a Queensland zoned selection under the AFL’s draft concessions. Dixon made history by scoring the first-ever goal for the Gold Coast Football Club on April 2, 2011, against Carlton.


How old is Charlie Dixon?

Charlie Dixon is 34 years old.

What is Charlie Dixon Birthday?

Charlie Dixon's birthday is 23/09/1990.

What is Charlie Dixon Zodiac Sign?

Charlie Dixon's zodiac sign is Libra.

What is Charlie Dixon's Real Birth Name?

Charlie Dixon's real birth name is Charlie Dixon.

Where is Charlie Dixon's Birthplace?

Charlie Dixon's birthplace is Cairns, Queensland.

How Tall is Charlie Dixon?

Charlie Dixon height is 6'7'' (200.66 cm).

What is Charlie Dixon Nationality?

Charlie Dixon nationality is .

What are Charlie Dixon's Professions?

Charlie Dixon's professions are Australian Rules footballer.

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