Michael Platt

Michael Platt is a business person who was born in Preston, England in 18/03/1968 and is now 56 years old. Michael Platt has a net worth of $18 Million.

What is Michael Platt Net Worth?

Michael Platt's net worth is US $18 Million.

Who is Michael Platt?

Michael Edward Platt (born 18 March 1968) is a British billionaire hedge fund manager. He is the co-founder and managing director of BlueCrest Capital Management, Europe’s third-largest hedge-fund firm[2] which he co-founded in 2000. He is Britain’s wealthiest hedge fund manager according to the Forbes Real Time Billionaires List, with an estimated wealth of US$15.2 billion.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Platt_(financier)

How old is Michael Platt?

Michael Platt is 56 years old.

What is Michael Platt Birthday?

Michael Platt's birthday is 18/03/1968.

What is Michael Platt Zodiac Sign?

Michael Platt's zodiac sign is Pisces.

What is Michael Platt's Real Birth Name?

Michael Platt's real birth name is Michael Edward Platt.

Where is Michael Platt's Birthplace?

Michael Platt's birthplace is Preston, England.

How Tall is Michael Platt?

Michael Platt height is 5'9'' (175.26 cm).

What is Michael Platt Nationality?

Michael Platt nationality is .

What are Michael Platt's Professions?

Michael Platt's professions are Billionaire.

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