Natali Morris

Natali Morris is a social media celebrity who was born in San Leandro, California, U.S. in 01/01/1978 and is now 46 years old. Natali Morris has a net worth of $3 Million.

What is Natali Morris Net Worth?

Natali Morris's net worth is US $3 Million.

Who is Natali Morris?

Natali Terese Morris (née Del Conte; born 1978) is an American online media personality and co-founder of Morris Invest, a real estate investment company. She was formerly a technology news journalist with CNET and CBS.
Morris is a former editor for and is a former co-host of the technology news podcast Buzz Out Loud, one of’s flagship podcasts, in addition to Loaded, a daily technology news show on CNET TV. Previously, Loaded was reformatted in Spanish and shown on the Spanish language Univision television network.[citation needed].
Prior to joining CNET, she wrote, produced, and hosted a show “TeXtra” on Podshow. She has written for such publications as Wired, Variety, MarketWatch, TechCrunch, The San Francisco Examiner, PC Magazine, ELLEgirl, The Oakland Tribune, Hispanic Magazine, and The Santa Cruz Sentinel.


How old is Natali Morris?

Natali Morris is 46 years old.

What is Natali Morris Birthday?

Natali Morris's birthday is 01/01/1978.

What is Natali Morris Zodiac Sign?

Natali Morris's zodiac sign is Capricornus.

What is Natali Morris's Real Birth Name?

Natali Morris's real birth name is Natali Terese Morris.

Where is Natali Morris's Birthplace?

Natali Morris's birthplace is San Leandro, California, U.S..

How Tall is Natali Morris?

Natali Morris height is 5'5'' (165.1 cm).

What is Natali Morris Nationality?

Natali Morris nationality is .

What are Natali Morris's Professions?

Natali Morris's professions are CEO, Media personality.

Who is Natali Morris's Spouse(s)?

Clayton Morris ​(m. 2010

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