Natasha St-Pier

Natasha St-Pier is a musician who was born in Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada in 10/02/1981 and is now 43 years old. Natasha St-Pier has a net worth of $5 Million.

What is Natasha St-Pier Net Worth?

Natasha St-Pier's net worth is US $5 Million.

Who is Natasha St-Pier?

Natasha St-Pier (born 10 February 1981) is a Canadian singer of Acadian origin who has spent most of her career in France. She was coach in the second and third season of The Voice Belgique (The Voice of Belgium).


How old is Natasha St-Pier?

Natasha St-Pier is 43 years old.

What is Natasha St-Pier Birthday?

Natasha St-Pier's birthday is 10/02/1981.

What is Natasha St-Pier Zodiac Sign?

Natasha St-Pier's zodiac sign is Aquarius.

What is Natasha St-Pier's Real Birth Name?

Natasha St-Pier's real birth name is Natasha St-Pier.

Where is Natasha St-Pier's Birthplace?

Natasha St-Pier's birthplace is Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada.

How Tall is Natasha St-Pier?

Natasha St-Pier height is 5'3'' (160.02 cm).

What is Natasha St-Pier Nationality?

Natasha St-Pier nationality is .

What are Natasha St-Pier's Professions?

Natasha St-Pier's professions are Singer.

Who is Natasha St-Pier's Spouse(s)?

Gregory Quillacq (m. 2012)

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