Oshane Thomas

Oshane Thomas is an athlete who was born in Jamaica in 18/02/1997 and is now 27 years old. Oshane Thomas has a net worth of $3.5 Million.

What is Oshane Thomas Net Worth?

Oshane Thomas's net worth is US $3.5 Million.

Who is Oshane Thomas?

Oshane Romaine Thomas (born 18 February 1997) is a Jamaican cricketer. A fast bowler,he made his international debut for the West Indies cricket team in October 2018.In August 2019, Cricket West Indies named him as the Emerging Player of the Year.


How old is Oshane Thomas?

Oshane Thomas is 27 years old.

What is Oshane Thomas Birthday?

Oshane Thomas's birthday is 18/02/1997.

What is Oshane Thomas Zodiac Sign?

Oshane Thomas's zodiac sign is Aquarius.

What is Oshane Thomas's Real Birth Name?

Oshane Thomas's real birth name is Oshane Romaine Thomas.

Where is Oshane Thomas's Birthplace?

Oshane Thomas's birthplace is Jamaica.

How Tall is Oshane Thomas?

Oshane Thomas height is 6'6'' (198.12 cm).

What is Oshane Thomas Nationality?

Oshane Thomas nationality is .

What are Oshane Thomas's Professions?

Oshane Thomas's professions are Cricket Player.

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