René Benko

René Benko is a business person who was born in Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria in 20/05/1977 and is now 47 years old. René Benko has a net worth of $3 Billion.

What is René Benko Net Worth?

René Benko's net worth is US $3 Billion.

Who is René Benko?

René Benko (born 20 May 1977) is an Austrian real estate, media and retail investor and founder of the Signa Holding. The company is considered Austria’s largest privately held real estate conglomerate.Benko is one of the richest Austrians. Numerous controversies have surrounded Benko’s professional career.


How old is the celebrity?

René Benko is 47 years old.

What is the person's date of birth?

René Benko's birthday is 20/05/1977.

What is the person's zodiac sign?

This person's zodiac sign is Taurus.

What is the real name of the celebrity?

This person's real name is René Benko.

Where is the birthplace of the celebrity?

This person was born in Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria.

How tall is the celebrity?

This person's height is 5'9'' (175.26 cm).

What is the nationality of the famous person?

The nationality of the famous person is .

What are the professions of this person?

Professions held by the person: Investor, Real Estate.

Who is his/her spouse or spouses?

Natalie Benko

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