Riko Shibata

Riko Shibata is a social media celebrity who was born in Kyoto, Japan in 19/04/1995 and is now 29 years old. Riko Shibata has a net worth of $500 Thousand.

What is Riko Shibata Net Worth?

Riko Shibata's net worth is US $500 Thousand.

Who is Riko Shibata?

Riko Shibata, a 27-year-old entrepreneur, actress, and celebrity spouse, gained recognition as the wife of actor Nicolas Cage. She appeared in the film “Prisoners of Ghostland” as the mannequin woman. Riko and Nicolas Cage tied the knot in 2021 and are expecting their first child together. Riko is also known for her role in “Prisoners of Ghostland” (2021). She married Nicolas Cage on February 16, 2021, and they have one child.


How old is Riko Shibata?

Riko Shibata is 29 years old.

What is Riko Shibata Birthday?

Riko Shibata's birthday is 19/04/1995.

What is Riko Shibata Zodiac Sign?

Riko Shibata's zodiac sign is Aries.

What is Riko Shibata's Real Birth Name?

Riko Shibata's real birth name is Riko Shibata.

Where is Riko Shibata's Birthplace?

Riko Shibata's birthplace is Kyoto, Japan.

How Tall is Riko Shibata?

Riko Shibata height is 5'6'' (167.64 cm).

What is Riko Shibata Nationality?

Riko Shibata nationality is .

What are Riko Shibata's Professions?

Riko Shibata's professions are Actress, Social Media Personality, Socialite.

Who is Riko Shibata's Spouse(s)?

Nicolas CageFebruary 16, 2021 – present

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