Rosanna Davison

Rosanna Davison is an actress who was born in Dublin, Ireland in 17/04/1984 and is now 40 years old. Rosanna Davison has a net worth of $6 Million.

What is Rosanna Davison Net Worth?

Rosanna Davison's net worth is US $6 Million.

Who is Rosanna Davison?

Rosanna Diane Davison (born 17 April 1984) is an Irish actress, singer, writer, model and beauty queen who was crowned Miss World 2003. She is the daughter of musician Chris de Burgh, and the song “For Rosanna” was written by her father for his 1986 album, Into the Light in her honour. Davison is a qualified nutritional therapist and promotes the health benefits of a plant-based diet.


How old is Rosanna Davison?

Rosanna Davison is 40 years old.

What is Rosanna Davison Birthday?

Rosanna Davison's birthday is 17/04/1984.

What is Rosanna Davison Zodiac Sign?

Rosanna Davison's zodiac sign is Aries.

What is Rosanna Davison's Real Birth Name?

Rosanna Davison's real birth name is Rosanna Diane Davison.

Where is Rosanna Davison's Birthplace?

Rosanna Davison's birthplace is Dublin, Ireland.

How Tall is Rosanna Davison?

Rosanna Davison height is 5'10'' (177.8 cm).

What is Rosanna Davison Nationality?

Rosanna Davison nationality is .

What are Rosanna Davison's Professions?

Rosanna Davison's professions are Actress, Model, Singer, Writer.

Who is Rosanna Davison's Spouse(s)?

Wesley Quirke ​(m. 2014)

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