Simon Gregson

Simon Gregson is an actor who was born in Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester, England in 02/10/1974 and is now 50 years old. Simon Gregson has a net worth of $2.5 Million.

What is Simon Gregson Net Worth?

Simon Gregson's net worth is US $2.5 Million.

How old is the celebrity?

Simon Gregson is 50 years old.

What is the person's date of birth?

Simon Gregson's birthday is 02/10/1974.

What is the person's zodiac sign?

This person's zodiac sign is Libra.

What is the real name of the celebrity?

This person's real name is Simon Alan Gregory.

Where is the birthplace of the celebrity?

This person was born in Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester, England.

How tall is the celebrity?

This person's height is 5'10'' (177.8 cm).

What is the nationality of the famous person?

The nationality of the famous person is .

What are the professions of this person?

Professions held by the person: Actor.

Who is his/her spouse or spouses?

Emma Gleave ​(m. 2010)

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