Victoria Silvstedt

Victoria Silvstedt is an actress who was born in Skelleftehamn, Sweden in 19/09/1974 and is now 50 years old. Victoria Silvstedt has a net worth of $15 Million.

What is Victoria Silvstedt Net Worth?

Victoria Silvstedt's net worth is US $15 Million.

Who is Victoria Silvstedt?

Karin Victoria Silvstedt, born on September 19, 1974, is a multitalented Swedish personality known for her versatility across various fields. She rose to prominence after being crowned Miss World Sweden in 1993, showcasing her beauty and grace on the international stage.

Beyond her pageant success, Silvstedt has made a name for herself as an actress, singer, model, and television host. Her diverse talents have allowed her to excel in various entertainment industries, captivating audiences with her charm and charisma.

With her striking looks and charismatic presence, Silvstedt has graced the covers of numerous magazines and walked the runways for top fashion brands. Her modeling career has taken her to the heights of the fashion world, solidifying her status as an international icon.

In addition to her modeling endeavors, Silvstedt has pursued acting and singing, showcasing her artistic range and creativity. Her performances on screen and stage have earned her acclaim and further established her as a multifaceted talent.

As a television host, Silvstedt has entertained audiences with her wit and charm, adding to her already impressive repertoire. Her magnetic personality has endeared her to viewers around the world, making her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.

Overall, Karin Victoria Silvstedt’s journey from beauty pageants to stardom across multiple fields is a testament to her talent, hard work, and enduring appeal. She continues to captivate audiences with her grace, talent, and undeniable star quality.


How old is Victoria Silvstedt?

Victoria Silvstedt is 50 years old.

What is Victoria Silvstedt Birthday?

Victoria Silvstedt's birthday is 19/09/1974.

What is Victoria Silvstedt Zodiac Sign?

Victoria Silvstedt's zodiac sign is Virgo.

What is Victoria Silvstedt's Real Birth Name?

Victoria Silvstedt's real birth name is Karin Victoria Silvstedt.

Where is Victoria Silvstedt's Birthplace?

Victoria Silvstedt's birthplace is Skelleftehamn, Sweden.

How Tall is Victoria Silvstedt?

Victoria Silvstedt height is 5'11'' (180.34 cm).

What is Victoria Silvstedt Nationality?

Victoria Silvstedt nationality is .

What are Victoria Silvstedt's Professions?

Victoria Silvstedt's professions are Actress, Model, Singer, Television Host.

Who is Victoria Silvstedt's Spouse(s)?

Chris Wragge

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